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duminică, 5 mai 2013
luni, 1 aprilie 2013
How do I show that I have bones? | RedGage
How do I show that I have bones? | RedGage: "Without frame maybe we could reach out to elastics or we could slip under the door but no skeleton but would require several problems regarding keeping a form explains anatomist Joy Reidenberg S. Gaylinn. "

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vineri, 22 martie 2013
The woman who delivered a fetus in the womb for 60 years | RedGage
The woman who delivered a fetus in the womb for 60 years | RedGage:
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The woman in question was Huang Yijun in China. In 1948, at the age of 31 years she became pregnant, but doctors told her that wearing an ectopic pregnancy, which means that the egg does not attach to the uterus.
In most cases, the egg enters the fallopian tube, but in the case of Huang, the egg is implanted just above them causing abdominal pregnancy. Such tasks are very rare, about 1% of ectopic pregnancy fall into this category, which means that only 0.0001% of all pregnancies are abdominal.

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Meat of horses, galloping health: researchers have revealed benefits of this food body | RedGage
Meat of horses, galloping health: researchers have revealed benefits of this food body | RedGage:
Who would have thought? After millions of pounds of meat were thrown away over Europe horse meat scandal, scientists announced that the food that everyone avoids at this time could actually be beneficial to health.
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Who would have thought? After millions of pounds of meat were thrown away over Europe horse meat scandal, scientists announced that the food that everyone avoids at this time could actually be beneficial to health.

Researchers found that people who consume several servings weekly of horse meat have a lower cholesterol level and a higher level of iron in the blood. Horse meat is rich in iron, highlights scientists who say that a serving of 150 grams contains half the recommended daily amount. Also, horse meat is low in saturated fats, which are associated with high cholesterol.
Furthermore, the study states that such meat has several health benefits that were hitherto associated with fish meat. Also, horsemeat has 40% fewer calories and more protein than other meats.
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What came first, the chicken or the egg? Scholars offer response | RedGage
What came first, the chicken or the egg? Scholars offer response | RedGage: "Everyone has faced this question during life, but the scientific answer is not as widespread. Now, scientists provide an answer to this riddle. "

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The universe is older and weirder than we thought, according to a scientific effort unprecedented | RedGage
The universe is older and weirder than we thought, according to a scientific effort unprecedented | RedGage:
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Planck mission carried out by the European Space Agency presented its first conclusions today.These include the fact that the universe is something older than previously thought and also weird.
Planck was launched in 2009 to map the microwave background of the universe, which is a glow from early universe emanating from all directions of space but are invisible to the human eye.
The new map is the most accurate picture of the universe as it looked at first. Different colors represent temperature differences of hot gas that filled the universe at the beginning, a few hundred thousand years after the Big Bang, and provide clues about the events that took place when the universe was a fraction of a second old.
"We can see the seeds of which emerged the Universe," said Jean-Jacques Dordain, Director General of the European Space Agency.
Here are the main discoveries that scientists have made through this mapping:
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luni, 18 martie 2013
The smartphone was designed to help us have a healthy heart | RedGage
The smartphone was designed to help us have a healthy heart | RedGage: "The Japanese had a new smartphone user only able to take the pulse by analyzing its image. "

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Earthquakes forming gold deposits | RedGage
Earthquakes forming gold deposits | RedGage: "Solid gold can be stored in the Earths crust almost instantaneously during earthquakes, concludes a study published recently. "

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Mystery in Europe: why the two countries testicular cancer rate is 10 times higher than the global average? | RedGage
Mystery in Europe: why the two countries testicular cancer rate is 10 times higher than the global average? | RedGage: "Alarming increase in the number of testicular cancer cases caused launching an urgent research to identify environmental chemicals that may harm male babies. "
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Future is individual vehicle and drive yourself? (VIDEO) | RedGage
Future is individual vehicle and drive yourself? (VIDEO) | RedGage:
People who need transportation assistance in the city have no other option except wheelchairs. Now, however, Hitachi, a Japanese company created ROPITS (Robot for Personal Intelligent Transport System) vehicle that helps people with disabilities.
First, how transportation is very easy. All you have to do is choose the destination user using a smartphone or tablet connected to ROPITS.
Also ROPITS will not endanger pedestrians since it moves about 6 km / h. Furthermore, it shall be equipped with a stereo camera and laser rangefinders as to avoid collisions and to assess how best GPS position.
For now, the Japanese company is testing the prototype, and if it will be viable, it is likely that soon ROPITS to get possession of the elderly and those with motor problems. Until then, we all can only hope that it will become the vehicle that will secure urban transport.
Source: Engadget,
sâmbătă, 16 martie 2013
A journey through Mexico | RedGage
A journey through Mexico | RedGage:
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Sometimes, a simple string of words has magical power of incantations. Pyramids, deserts, chili, colonial towns, pine forests, temples, palm trees, traditions, beaches, cacti, churches and sombrero sites: Mexico is unparalleled richness and perfectly suited amounts in symbols the five letters a lame, drawn by rainbow chosen to play today and the name "MEXICO". It enters into a wonderful tourist world, where between oceans, mountains and jungle discovers a mysterious traveler cultural and historical treasures of legend.

The year 2011 was declared the "Year of Tourism in Mexico" Mexican authorities are vigorously involved in promoting tourism, the stated aim being to make Mexico to become one of the top five destinations in the world."Mayan Year 2012" promises to be a promising and far-reaching campaign, putting the attention of the entire world significance of the Mayan calendar and the date of 21.12.2012, opportunity to reveal fascinating Mayan civilization and its millenary history of the city.

Heritage sites
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Copacabana - World-renowned Brazilian beach | RedGage
Copacabana - World-renowned Brazilian beach | RedGage: "world!"
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There may be white sand that separates the city of Atlantic waves cliffs, or talented footballers who come to dribble beach to conquer the hearts of fans everywhere, or enthusiastic crowds of Carnival samba rhythms and light games the New Year. What matters to Copacabana, while it is one of the most famous beaches in the world!

Eye on the map
In the south of Rio de Janeiro, across Guanabara Bay and the Sugar Loaf's top (mountain loaf , which guards the entrance into the bay ) , strips of white sandy beaches littered urban urban canvas ending the foothills. Metropolis living quarters "style" on the shores of the Atlantic waters cooled and refreshed by huge Tijuca forest. Name these parts of town, known as the richest, is the same as the beaches that separate the ocean: Leme, Copacabana, Ipanema, Leblon, São Conrado, Barra de Tijuca. Are famous, picturesque, demanding and fashionable. But of them all Copacabana seems holder strengths, all data on the geography of place, history and life-loving locals ambitions glazed sun and fun.

So Copacabana neighborhood and the beach is both trapped between the ocean and some granite hills: Morro do Urubu, Morro de Babilonia, Morro de São João, Morro dos Cabritos, Morro Morro do Cantagalo and Pavão. Between mountain range and four kilometers long beach, the strip hundred meters wide flock blocks, boulevards, hotels and everything can bind to everyday livelihoods of the nearly 200,000 who live in Copacabana Cariocas.
(Residents of Rio de Janeiro are called Cariocas. )
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Dinosaur fossil discovered in the wall of a medieval church | RedGage
Dinosaur fossil discovered in the wall of a medieval church | RedGage: ""

Nobody imagined that the image resembled a crocodile skull in the marble impregnated behind the altar of St. Ambrose Church in Vigevano city in northern Italy could be, in fact, a real dinosaur.
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Nobody imagined that the image resembled a crocodile skull in the marble impregnated behind the altar of St. Ambrose Church in Vigevano city in northern Italy could be, in fact, a real dinosaur.
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A new species of dinosaur was discovered in South Korea | RedGage
A new species of dinosaur was discovered in South Korea | RedGage: ""

Koreaceratops hwaseongensis, as it was named dinosaur discovered in South Korea, is the newdinozaurian known cerato-psides family, family of which the most famous Triceratops, and has an age of 103 million years, according to researchers at Intitutul of Geosciences in South Korea. Was a completely unknown species scientists and, because of its uniqueness, even experts have created a new genre that bears his name.
Dinosaur skeleton structure shows that have traits that indicate both aquatic life, and one terrestrial, fan-shaped tail with, most likely, the role of facilitating movement through the water. Koreaceratops also present a beak similar to that of modern birds and a bone ridge, ...
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Once the birds had four wings, suggests a new study paleontological | RedGage
Once the birds had four wings, suggests a new study paleontological | RedGage:

Studying fossils of ancient birds 11 copies, Shandong Tianyu Museum of Nature held in China, paleontologists have discovered traces of bird feathers feet high, a finding suggesting that these primitive birds had four wings, which could play a major role in the emergence and evolution of flight.
Most paleontologists believe that birds are descended from dinosaurs with feathers, their belief is supported by the discovery of numerous creatures like birds and endowed with feathers.
In 2000, he discovered a non-avian dinosaur with feathers in all 4 states, called Microraptor , and was probably able to fly.
In addition, some specimens of Archaeopteryx - a transitional form between dinosaurs and modern birds feather - weak traces of structures such as feathers, legs, but these structures were well preserved.
Now, however, researchers have found up to 11 fossil feathers from the Chinese province of Jehol fossil site Liaoning; fossils date from the Lower Cretaceous, with 100-150 million years old.
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Discovered a new type of planet
Discovered a new type of planet:

These mysterious heavenly bodies with high density observed outside the solar system, may be remnants of ice giant planets that come too close to their suns and have suffered colossal TEMPERATURE their effects, shows a new study of exoplanets.
Among the most surprising discoveries made in the NASA Kepler mission (for the study of exo-planets) are a special type of spatial objects, unusually heavy for their size. Results FST present at a conference on exo-planets, held at the Royal Society of London.
In some cases, astronomers were able to estimate the mass and dimensions planned that some of these planets were close to the radius of the Earth, but unusually high density - higher than pure iron.
None of the currently accepted theories of planetary formation can not explain the formation of these extremely dense celestial bodies.
Olivier Grasset, a geophysicist at the University of Nantes, France, believed that these objects could be "nuclei fossils" of some planets that were once much larger - an idea proposed for the first time in 2011.
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vineri, 15 martie 2013
duminică, 24 februarie 2013
Insulele Hebride – frumusetea salbatica a nordului (FOTO)

Se spune ca fiecare loc de pe Pamant este frumos in felul sau, de la padurile luxuriante ale Ecuatorului, la deserturile africane si pana in muntii si stepele Asiei. Nordul Europei nu putea face nici el exceptie de la aceasta regula. Putin spectaculos pentru unii, incantator pentru altii, el ascunde, insa, o lume pe care doar cei pasionati intr-adevar de natura si de istorie o pot sesiza. Unul dintre acestia este si fotograful profesionist Jim Richardson, omul care a reusit sa surprinda imagini incredibile, specifice Insulelor Hebride din vestul Scotiei... Cat de spectaculoase sunt, va lasam pe voi sa decideti...
Insulele Hebride au o istorie ce coboare in timp pana in urma cu 8.500 de ani, atunci cand primele asezari umane isi fac aparitia pe insulele indepartate ale nordului. Poate unele dintre cele mai spectaculoase constructii din acele vremuri indepartate sunt megalitii Callanish, pietre uriase, asemanatoare mult mai cunoscutului complex de la Stonhenge, datand din mileniul al III-lea i.Hr.

Este cert ca primilor locuitori ai Hebridelor le-au urmat clanurile razboinicilor celtici, desi putine dovezi arheologice au ramas in urma acestora. Despre ei vorbeste Pomponius Mela, cunoscutul geograf roman de origine iberica, cel care pomeneste in scrierile sale de insulele Hebudes si de druizii care le considerau un loc magic. A urmat apoi invazia vikinga si dominatia de aproape doua secole a regilor neorvegieni pana la victoria scotienilor asupra acestora din secolul al XIII-lea.

Cele peste 100 de insule ale Hebridelor reprezinta unele dintre cele mai vechi pamanturi ale Europei, cu roci care dateaza inca din Precambrian. Modul in care in care natura le-a modelat este si astazi considerat unul extrem de spectaculos. Poate ca nu intamplator, insulele erau venerate de vechii celti si considerate un loc al zeilor pagani de catre vikingii norvegieni....

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