A journey through Mexico | RedGage:
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Sometimes, a simple string of words has magical power of incantations. Pyramids, deserts, chili, colonial towns, pine forests, temples, palm trees, traditions, beaches, cacti, churches and sombrero sites: Mexico is unparalleled richness and perfectly suited amounts in symbols the five letters a lame, drawn by rainbow chosen to play today and the name "MEXICO". It enters into a wonderful tourist world, where between oceans, mountains and jungle discovers a mysterious traveler cultural and historical treasures of legend.

The year 2011 was declared the "Year of Tourism in Mexico" Mexican authorities are vigorously involved in promoting tourism, the stated aim being to make Mexico to become one of the top five destinations in the world."Mayan Year 2012" promises to be a promising and far-reaching campaign, putting the attention of the entire world significance of the Mayan calendar and the date of 21.12.2012, opportunity to reveal fascinating Mayan civilization and its millenary history of the city.

Heritage sites
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