A new species of dinosaur was discovered in South Korea | RedGage: "http://www.redgage.com/c-wmdhh"

Koreaceratops hwaseongensis, as it was named dinosaur discovered in South Korea, is the newdinozaurian known cerato-psides family, family of which the most famous Triceratops, and has an age of 103 million years, according to researchers at Intitutul of Geosciences in South Korea. Was a completely unknown species scientists and, because of its uniqueness, even experts have created a new genre that bears his name.
Dinosaur skeleton structure shows that have traits that indicate both aquatic life, and one terrestrial, fan-shaped tail with, most likely, the role of facilitating movement through the water. Koreaceratops also present a beak similar to that of modern birds and a bone ridge, ...
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