Meat of horses, galloping health: researchers have revealed benefits of this food body | RedGage:
Who would have thought? After millions of pounds of meat were thrown away over Europe horse meat scandal, scientists announced that the food that everyone avoids at this time could actually be beneficial to health.
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Who would have thought? After millions of pounds of meat were thrown away over Europe horse meat scandal, scientists announced that the food that everyone avoids at this time could actually be beneficial to health.

Researchers found that people who consume several servings weekly of horse meat have a lower cholesterol level and a higher level of iron in the blood. Horse meat is rich in iron, highlights scientists who say that a serving of 150 grams contains half the recommended daily amount. Also, horse meat is low in saturated fats, which are associated with high cholesterol.
Furthermore, the study states that such meat has several health benefits that were hitherto associated with fish meat. Also, horsemeat has 40% fewer calories and more protein than other meats.
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